Matthew W. Wilson

Geography 499-001:
Senior Research Seminar
Spring 2025

Lectures: T 3:30-6pm, Funkhouser Building Room 306A

Prof. Matthew W. Wilson
Office: Patterson Office Tower (POT) 815
Office Hours: email for an appointment

I. Course Description

Course is intended to provide a capstone experience in geographical research and problem-solving through demonstrating students’ ability to identify an appropriate research topic in geography; developing and implementing appropriate research strategy; and presenting research results. This course is a Graduation Composition and Communication Requirement (GCCR) course in certain programs, and hence is not likely to be eligible for automatic transfer credit to UK.

II. Learning Objectives and Class Goals

This course is designed as a capstone experience for geographic study, to help students:

The goals of this class have been developed alongside the TEK Skills framework:

III. Format

This course will be composed entirely of seminar discussions centered on geographic research. These discussions will occur in-person or, infrequently as necessary, via Zoom. There will be fieldwork that will request students to visit different resources on campus and in the city of Lexington.

IV. Required Texts

There are several required articles and book chapters for this course, and students are encouraged to utilize UK Libraries (including ILL) to access these course materials. Students should contact the instructor if they have difficulty accessing any text.

V. Assignments, Activities, and Grading

Assessment overview.

Students will be assessed in this course using a variety of methods. Participation in and preparations for seminar are fundamental to successful completion of the course. Assessment is distributed in the following ways, for a total of 100 points:

Final grades will be based on a standard scale, i.e., A=90-100%; B=80-89%; C=70-79%; D=60-69%; E=less than 60%. Grades for all assignments will be available via the University of Kentucky Canvas system (

Participation and preparedness.

As a required course for all geography students, this course is meant to accompany the variety of activities that help students engage in department and College life. Each week, students will be asked to prepare to engage in seminar discussions and take an active role in these discussions: including asking questions, articulating their understanding of the texts, and make connections to other students’ ideas and to other texts and activities of the course. Students will complete assignments related to weekly discussions and development of their portfolio and research project. Students will also attend department colloquia and other activities meant to help students connect with the department. We will use Canvas to remind students of activities and provide discussion boards to share questions and resources. All students should contribute to seminar discussions. If students find this to be difficult, they should schedule time to speak with the instructor.

Profesional development portfolio.

In consultation with the instructor, students will develop a portfolio of materials aligned with their professional development goals. This may include a cover letter, resume, letters of inquiry, and/or a portfolio website. Students will revise these documents following peer and instructor feedback.

Research project.

The class is organized around students proposing, conducting, undertaking, and communicating an independent geographic research project. The goals of the project include learning research methods, researching a topic of interest, improving upon writing skills, and improving upon presentation skills. Weeks 1-6 will focus on research design as students develop research questions and a proposal. During weeks 7-11, students will conduct research and schedule individual meetings with the instructor to check in about progress. Beginning in week 12, students will begin analyzing collected data, writing a final report, and preparing a 10-minute presentation. The final paper must include a literature review, description of methods, analysis of data, and summary of results. It should be at least 4,500 words in length and have undergone revisions over the course of the semester. Additional requirements will vary according to your research approach and will be negotiated with the instructor. For example, a qualitative human geography project might require a certain number of interviews or surveys, while a quantitative GIS project might require particular types of data collection and analyses.

VI. Important Notices

Prepare for this course.

Students should review the course syllabus carefully, paying special attention to due dates and assignment instructions. If students have questions about course expectations as overviewed by this syllabus, they should contact the instructor as soon as possible.

Attend class.

Attendance is not taken nor required, however, note that:

  1. the majority of a student’s grade depends on their preparation for, and engagement in, seminar;
  2. student success in the full cycle of research largely depends on the effort they apply;
  3. in the event of an absence, students should consult the syllabus and their peers regarding discussions and activities they have missed.

Be in contact.

Students are responsible for checking their UKY email account; Canvas is what will be used to send communications outside class. Email is the best way to contact the instructor. Students should allow at least 24 hours for a response by email during weekdays. The instructor will not necessarily respond to emails over the weekends.

Be a resource for others.

Students are strongly encouraged to exchange contact information with classmates, in order to facilitate the objectives of this seminar.

Get permission before recording.

Meetings of this course may be recorded. All video and audio recordings of lecturers and class meetings, provided by the instructors, are for educational use by students in this class only. They are available only through the Canvas shell for this course and are not to be copied, shared, or redistributed.

The University of Kentucky Student Code of Conduct defines Invasion of Privacy as using electronic or other devices to make a photographic, audio, or video record of any person without their prior knowledge or consent when such a recording is likely to cause injury or distress. As addressed in the Student Code of Conduct, students are expected to follow appropriate university policies and maintain the security of linkblue accounts used to access recorded class materials. Recordings may not be reproduced, shared with those not enrolled in the class, or uploaded to other online environments.

If the instructor or a University of Kentucky office plans any other uses for the recordings, beyond this class, students identifiable in the recordings will be notified to request consent prior to such use. In anticipation of such cases, students may be asked to complete an “authorization of use” form by a faculty member.

Video and audio recordings by students are not permitted during the class unless the student has received prior permission from the instructor. Any sharing, distribution, and or uploading of these recordings outside of the parameters of the class is prohibited. Students with specific recording accommodations approved by the Disability Resource Center should present their official documentation to the instructor.

All content for this course, including handouts, assignments, and lectures are the intellectual property of the instructors and cannot be reproduced or sold without prior permission from the instructors. A student may use the material for reasonable educational and professional purposes extending beyond this class, such as studying for a comprehensive or qualifying examination in a degree program, preparing for a professional or certification examination, or to assist in fulfilling responsibilities at a job or internship.

Get help.

If students are having difficulty with any course material, please contact the instructor. There are also other resources which students might find useful:

Meet deadlines.

Meeting deadlines is an important professional practice. Students should consult the course schedule, below, for the due dates of the course assignments. A 10-percent deduction will be applied to the final score of an assignment for submissions after the deadline on the same calendar day, with an additional 10-percent deduction for each additional calendar day the assignment is late. If the assignment is not delivered by the next class meeting, the assignment will not be accepted.

Be honest.

This course, if successful, will expose students to a variety of concepts and techniques. Students are expected to draw upon these various ideas, but they must be transparent and honest about their use of these ideas. Students should get help if they are uncertain about this expectation. Per university policy, students shall not plagiarize, cheat, or falsify or misuse academic records. Students should familiarize themselves with definitions regarding plagiarism (available at and cheating (available at Please note: Any assignment students turn in may be submitted to an electronic database to check for plagiarism.

Be respectful.

Students should at all times be respectful of fellow students, the professor or teaching assistant(s), and the University of Kentucky. Some basic reminders:

Renew your commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The University of Kentucky is committed to our core values of diversity and inclusion, mutual respect and human dignity, and a sense of community (Governing Regulations XIV, available at We acknowledge and respect the seen and unseen diverse identities and experiences of all members of the university community ( These identities include but are not limited to those based on race, ethnicity, gender identity and expressions, ideas and perspectives, religious and cultural beliefs, sexual orientation, national origin, age, ability, and socioeconomic status. We are committed to equity and justice and providing a learning and engaging community in which every member is engaged, heard, and valued.

We strive to rectify and change behavior that is inconsistent with our principles and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. If students encounter such behavior in a course, they are encouraged to speak with the instructor of record and/or the Office of Institutional Equity and Equal Opportunity (available at Students may also contact a faculty member within the department, program director, the director of undergraduate or graduate studies, the department chair, any college administrator, or the dean. All of these individuals are mandatory reporters under University policies.

Familiarize yourself with campus-wide policies.

To learn more about campus-wide policies on Excused Absences and Acceptable Excuses, Religious Observances, Verification of Absences, Make-Up Work, Excused Absences for Military Duties, Unexcused Absences, Prep Week and Reading Days, Accommodation Due to Disability, Non-Discrimination Statement and Title IX Information, students should refer to Academic Policy Statements (available at Students should contact the instructor with any questions regarding these policies.

Review information regarding classroom emergency preparedness and response

Nothing is more important than the safety and well-being of our campus community. While the University of Kentucky Police Department continues to enhance campus safety measures, it’s important to remember that everyone has a responsibility in keeping our community safe. To find more information visit created by the University of Kentucky Police Department.

Emergency Reporting & Action Reporting: If there is an emergency, DIAL 911. To report suspicious activity or non-emergency situations, call the UK Police Department at 859-257-8573 or #UKPD from any mobile phone. If an emergency occurs in a classroom or residence hall with a red emergency button, press to quickly notify UKPD. Emergency responders will immediately be dispatched to your location. Action: During an emergency, you are responsible for your own safety. If an emergency occurs during class, your instructor will provide further direction based on university and department emergency plans.

Warning Systems UK Alert: The university provides emergency notifications through UK Alert, which sends messages via email, text message, phone calls, building alarm systems, digital signage, social media and outdoor sirens. If you receive a UK Alert message during class, notify your instructor and classmates immediately. For more information, visit LiveSafe: The university provides additional emergency preparedness information and safety tools through LiveSafe, a free mobile app for iOS and Android. You can report suspicious activity, message with UK Police and virtually escort your friends through the SafeWalk tool. For more information, visit Blue Emergency Towers: Blue Emergency Notification Towers are strategically placed at over 50 locations across campus to provide outdoor alert tones and broadcast emergency messages with loud speakers. Each tower also features an emergency push button speaker phone that reaches UKPD and a camera mounted above the tower. For more information, visit

Medical Emergency If there is a medical emergency, dial 911 and do not act outside the scope of your medical training. After dialing 911, inform your instructor of the situation.

Evacuation It is required to evacuate for a fire alarm or when university officials order us to do so. Evacuation routes are marked with illuminated exit signs throughout the building. Avoid using elevators during any evacuation.

Emergency Sheltering Storm Sheltering: Report to the recommended shelter locations. Recommended shelter locations are marked throughout the building. If shelter locations are unavailable, protect yourself from lightning and flying debris by moving to an interior room or hallway on the building’s lowest level. Avoid outside doors and windows and get under a sturdy table and use your arms to protect your head and neck. Shelter-in-Place: If a shelter-in-place order is issued, you will learn about this through UK Alert, the university’s emergency notification system. If you are inside, stay where you are unless the building you are in is affected. If the building is affected, and the fire alarm has been activated or directed by law enforcement, you should evacuate. If you are outdoors, proceed into the closest UK building or follow instructions from emergency personnel or alerts. It is ideal to shelter-in-place in an interior room with the fewest or no windows and no doors to the outside if possible. Shut all windows and close exterior doors. If a hazardous chemical release occurs outside the building, follow these same procedures.

Active Aggressor In a situation where an aggressor is trying to attack you or others, follow three steps:

  1. Run: Attempt to get away from the attacker.
  2. Hide: If you cannot run, barricade yourself in a safe place. Turn your phone to silent and dim your brightness. If possible, use the LiveSafe App to message UK Police and alert them to your location. If you don’t have the app, dial 911. If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen.
  3. Fight: If you cannot run or hide, do whatever you need to do to stop the attacker. UK Police will communicate additional information through the UK Alert system during an active aggressor situation. Every UKY email automatically receives UK Alerts. You can also sign up in myUK to receive alerts via text and phone call.

VII. Schedule

Subject to change. Reading assignments will be confirmed a week prior to the scheduled discussion.

Week Module Readings and Activities
Jan 14
Overview of Lexington geographies
Barrett 2023, Schein 2012, Shelton 2018
Jan 21
Overview of research in geography
Theory, methods, and empirics
Clifford etal 2023
Brainstorm research questions
Jan 28
Map walk in Lexington
Create draft resume
Feb 4
Identifying and reviewing relevant literature Create draft of bibliography
Attend Career Night on Wed Feb 5 at Stuckert Career Center 5-7pm
Feb 11
Designing a research project Create draft of research proposal
Feb 18
Developing a research proposal RESEARCH PROPOSAL DUE
Feb 25
Conducting research Data collection
Mar 4
Conducting research Data collection
Mar 11
Conducting research Assess collection
Data analysis
Mar 18
Mar 25
Additional data collection
Summarize data collection and analysis activities
Apr 1
Writing and analysis TBD
Apply for Graduation
Apr 8
Writing and analysis Create draft of methods and findings
Apr 15
Writing and analysis Create draft of topic statement, analysis, conclusion
Apr 22
Presentation Create draft of presentation
Apr 29

Final Paper and Portfolio Due: Thu May 8 at 5pm on Canvas

VIII. References